This disease is a chronic, inflammatory and relapsing process that mainly affects the scalp area.
It is generally accepted that scalp psoriasis is only the early stages of psoriasis onset, followed by the development of more severe forms throughout the body.
Features of the manifestations and progression of the disease

Such a disease as psoriasis of the scalp is manifested by the appearance of a dense "cap" on the scalp, which is then accompanied by severe itching and peeling of the skin.
There is another form of manifestation when single small patches are formed.
Symptoms of psoriasis are different from seborrheic dermatitis, there is absolutely no violation from the structure of the hair roots.
With scalp psoriasis, there are no symptoms of hair loss at all.
The flakes that form in psoriasis contain a large amount of sebum, so they are easy to identify by touch, not to be said to be flaking when you have seborrheic dermatitis.

The most vulnerable areas on the head to psoriasis include:
- The area around the ear, the earlobe.
- Farewell area.
- Forehead, occipital and cervical regions.
Scalp psoriasis is a common disease characterized by frequent relapsing and chronic disease.
This dermatological disease always has a chronic degree, because it cannot be completely cured.
This is the most common scalp psoriasis.
The reasons for the development of the disease
The main cause of this condition is genetic.
If a person's next of kin has the disease, that person's genetic chance is at least 70%.

Secondary causes of psoriasis include:
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Lowers the body's defenses.
- Diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
- Alcohol abuse and smoking.
- Always in a state of stress, lack of sleep.
- Inappropriate nutrition.
But these are not all the reasons why this disease may occur.
Some reasons are too rare, so they try not to mention them.
Usually, this disease is noted in people aged 40-42 years and older. If people under the age of 20 have it, it's usually related to a weakened immune system or a hormonal disorder. Therefore, after prescribing a course of vitamins and restructuring a person to focus on an active healthy lifestyle, irritability disappears.
It can be seen that after any well-designed course of treatment, the skin is gradually clear of acne, free of scars, and inflammatory papules do not recur.
Main symptoms

In any of the areas described above, scalp psoriasis develops, which will always be accompanied by the appearance of single or multiple foci of inflammation, complemented by the appearance of scabs. characteristic thickening and accompanied by intense itching.
In the early stages of the disease, there are almost no obvious symptoms, patients often do not know they have a dermatological disease. The patient had no complaints, and the external examination showed no specific symptoms.
In addition, some patients note that the first stage is very similar to dandruff, therefore, long courses of shampoo treatment are needed to eliminate false pathologies.
If this process is ignored, it can spread deep inside the skin, affecting the hair's root system and causing hair loss.
A disease such as scalp psoriasis has its own stages of the process, which include:
- Progression stage. New inflammatory symptoms appear. This process takes place in the direction from the center to the periphery.
- Stationery stage. It is characterized by a relative calm, in which new inflammatory factors cease to form, but existing symptoms do not disappear.
- Regression phase. At this stage, the main symptoms of psoriasis subside. Typical episodes of psoriasis are replaced by foci of pigmentation.
Treatment Features

Such a process as the treatment of scalp psoriasis should be considered as a totality of measures. This set of measures can be divided into:
- General therapy.
- Local therapy.
- Physiotherapy treatment.
- Spa treatment.
- Traditional method.
General or drug therapy includes the appointment of the following classes of drugs that can effectively treat psoriasis:
- Sedative.
- Multivitamin tablets.
- Desensitizers.
- The drug has a cytostatic effect.
- Corticosteroid drugs.
- Antihistamines.
- Immunomodulators.
- Nonspecific drug therapy (ATP).
It is important to remember that cytostatic drugs and corticosteroids can only be used in severe disease. They should be used with extreme caution, otherwise they can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
Antibacterial drugs can be used only if there is a pathogenic microflora.
Local therapy for scalp psoriasis involves the use of the following agents:
- Ointments with keratoplastic action: ichthyol ointment, naphthalan ointment, salicylic ointment, sulfur ointment.
- Glucocorticoid ointment. Such ointments are used only in severe cases of the disease process.
- Folk remedies for external use.
Shampoo is used as another effective treatment. The only caveat is that this tool will only be effective when combined with other methods.
As an effective remedy for the treatment of scalp psoriasis, the following have been proven:
- Tar Shampoo.
- Shampoo contains zinc.
- Shampoo containing ketoconazole.

Physical therapy is another effective topical treatment for psoriasis.
To treat psoriasis of the head, the following physiotherapeutic agents are used:
- UV light for skin.
- Hydrotherapy.
- Plasmapheresis method.
- Blood absorption.
- Laser beam.
- Mud wrap and applications.
- Helicopter therapy.
- Bath in hydrogen sulfide springs and healing baths.
A typical technique is to relieve stress and psychological pressure. To do this, the patient is prescribed sedative drugs to reduce the state of high nerve excitability. Vitamin saturation of the patient's body is one of the most important details in treatment.
When determining which diet is best for a patient, always pay attention to the compatibility of the food and the drug, as well as the food itself within it. This important detail helps to reduce the load on the patient's gastrointestinal tract, as well as other internal organ systems.
As additional methods, folk remedies are used.
Traditional medicine methods

Can scalp psoriasis be cured by folk methods? This question cannot be answered unambiguously.
We can only say that as an independent treatment, folk methods are not effective, only complementary to the main method. Let us consider in detail the most effective alternative methods that can treat scalp psoriasis.
Method No. 1. First, it is necessary to prepare celandine juice by passing the celandine through a meat grinder and then squeezing the juice. This product can be replenished by adding 40 ml of dry red wine, and can then be applied as a lotion to the affected skin areas.
Method #2. To lubricate the scalp, you can also use an alcohol-based celandine tincture. For the preparation, you need to pour half a glass of dry herbs with 0. 5 liters of 70% medical alcohol (vodka can be used).
This remedy should be insisted for 7 days, after which it can be used to wipe the affected areas. Alternatively, after applying tincture, you can rinse your hair with strong chamomile water.

Method #3. As a great tool for overall detoxification of the body, you can use "Monastery Tea", which purifies the body of toxins, cleanses the liver and helps to get rid of all the toxins. manifestations of psoriasis. During treatment, this tea can be drunk in place of regular black or green tea.
Method No. 4. Skin manifestations of scalp psoriasis can be treated by folk methods using rosehip fruit and stem.
To do this, it is necessary to burn the stems and fruits to ashes, after which the agent must be rubbed into the affected areas. For better absorption, pharmaceutical kerosene can be added to the ash.
You should remove oil stains on your skin and hair from folk remedies with a vinegar solution. It is usually made in 50x50 parts ratio. There are many treatment options, but it's important to choose the right one. In this regard, it is best to seek the advice of experts.
To prevent the recurrence of scalp psoriasis, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Observe the rules of personal hygiene, properly care for the hair and scalp.
- Refuse alcohol and tobacco.
- Limit stressful situations as much as possible.
- Observe the regime of work and rest.
- Follow a special diet.
- Take multivitamin preparations every six months.
- Only dye your hair with a hypoallergenic dye, or don't dye it at all.
- Treat all existing diseases in a timely manner.
- To nourish the body in general, it is necessary to use folk methods.
From the above, we can conclude that scalp psoriasis is not an independent disease, but just another manifestation of such a dangerous disease.
From the point of view of financial costs, the described treatment can be called budgetary, while the "more expensive, the better" stereotype is unacceptable. Nothing in the world is more precious than your own health and the health of your loved ones. And remember that prevention is better than cure later.
Be healthy!